Remote Server Setup, Server ''

Replication setup:
Web server :
  Server Name:        The Replicant
  Connection Speed  
  Storage Capacity  Kb  (K used/K available)

  To FTP your files onto the remote server:
    FTP Host Name:
    FTP UserName:     jsmith
    FTP Password:     (your FTP password)
    FTP Directory:    /usr/jsmith/
                    (If you'd like FireSite to try and set this for you
                     automatically, make this field completely blank.)

    FTP Permissions:

  To access your remote files through the web:
    WWW Server Name:
    WWW Directory:    /~jsmith/

  To FTP your files onto the remote server:
    FTP Host Name:    
    FTP UserName:     
    FTP Password:       (your FTP password)
    FTP Directory:    
    FTP Permissions:  Automatically changedChanged for UNIX onlyNot changed

  To access your remote files through the web:
    WWW Server Name:  
    WWW Directory:    

  Replication  Use this server for replication
               This server is on hold


Some parts of the server configuration cannot be changed once there are replicated files on the server.

Click here to delete the settings for this server
This will cause FireSite to immediately 'forget' about any replicated files on this FTP server, and stop using it for replication. After you delete the settings from FireSite, you should remember to manually delete any replicated files from the FTP server.

Mismatched MIME Types
SuffixYour server serves
this suffix as...
...but this Remote server
serves it as...

If FireSite detects that the Remote server will not serve files with
the same MIME type that you have set on your server, FireSite will not replicate
any files of that type.
If there are any entries listed above, FiteSite has detected
some MIME-type mismatches between your server and the Remote server.

You can resolve these by changing your server's suffix mappings to match
the Remote server, or by asking the Remote server's administrator to adjust
their suffix mappings to match yours.

Once you believe that you have resolved the mismatch,
click here to reset the list of mismatched MIME types,
and FireSite will try again to replicate the files.

"Gravity Zones" for ''
This lets you define certain 'zones' (domains or IP subnets) that will always load their graphics from this replication server, if possible.
"Gravity Zone"Description
Use for domain name matching,
123.45.67, 123.45 or 123 for partial IP matching,
/ for subnet matching, or for IP/subnet matching.

Transcript of Last FTP/HTTP Setup